Part 4
"The Law of
Here is its formula. You
know it. Let me just remind you that G is
a "gravity
constant". But actually it's a coefficient.
Don't lets pay attention to the fact that : 1) force F is shown here
without a vector, 2) while the bodies are
approaching each other F
increases to infinity. Let's try to understand what this formula
describes ( I hope the reading of three previous chapters has been
useful). I'm not afraid to be wrong saying : the process of approaching
of any two bodies is shown here. To
simplify the
example let's assume that these bodies are solid and spherical. So the
bodies are approaching each other, approaching and approaching
and… Right you are! They collide and scatter in
order to
approach each other again. This process is
endless. Alas, the "Law
of Gravitation"
somehow ignores it. Let's complicate the process by adding
more sphere. We'll get the process of three bodies interaction. It
doesn't matter whether these spheres are the same in size, at what
distances they were originally and mutually located . In a while this
system will stabilize - they will meet at the same time and always in
the same point (you can check it yourselves). Let's add one more, two
whatever you like spheres - you'll obtain the same result.
process is as such: substance scatters from one point , then gathers to
the same point id est pulses relatively
0-point ,
where it concentrates from time to time with its all energy.
it remind anything to you? Let's imagine the Universe
only of our spheres. There is no difference in Physics between the real
Universe and our hypothetic one. Have you heard anything
about "scattering
universe" and "Big
Our Universe is now scattering because of "great
explosion". How can we imagine it? In american
numerous explosions are shot very skillfully. We can see some
typical scenes: from the epicenter various fragments (from big to very
small) scatter in different directions. Part of the fragments rotate at
different angle speed, part of them don't rotate. The same thing occurs
the Universe: the mass of substance scatter in the form of fragments
forming celestial objects. Non-rotating elements only fly. Objects with
sufficient speed of rotation go away from the explosion epicenter
stable formations (galaxies, for example). If the speed of rotation
isn't sufficient for the balance of centrifugal force the fragments
tend to their common center. Approaching the center, mass and energy
form the object which doesn't permit any radiation to leave
confines of the object. We fix them as "black holes",
in a certain period of time "the explosion" follows and we observe "supernew".
We didn't
consider the problem of
gravity force's character. Superplenty of energy at the moment of
"great explosion" must create field (fields) but this matter
be discussed separately.
The Man should be aware of the fact that he is a particle of
the Universe, that the field of gravitation is
general for all, that by this field he is connected with every other
man, every animal, every plant and a drop of water and even
a grain of sand on the Mars. We don't know yet the character of this
connection, but this connection does exist. I personally would like to
be connected with an alive hare which is not shot, with the clean drop
of water which isn't contaminated. And you too? It means we are growing
in number, our outlook is widening.
Well, what about the
formula? We have
applied our outlook to it and I hope we have got some results. Let
professionals - the theorists invent
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