Bird's flu
Mass media
broadcast from time
to time about this disease. These pieces of information
like war communiques: somewhere there enemy has rushed to the attack,
somewhere here we have managed to repulse it, have blockaded the
enemy(quarantine), but the enemy broke thru from an
direction, but we don't give way to panic so far as we are
creating magic weapon in the rear (vaccine), soon we will win a
brilliant victory (hurray-hurray!). The battle is still going on.
What are we fighting with? With virus H5 ? We should become
aware that in the final analysis we are fighting with laws of
NATURE. These laws are such that Nature
foresaw the
limitation of excessive spreading of every type, group, family,
population of a living being (and a plant) - it
just guarantees
the variety of life forms. Let's
remember a well-known experiment: the rats were kept in a
limited area. They were given all the favorable conditions for their
reproduction. What came out of it? As soon as this population had
reached a
certain maximum the rats started dying - limitations began to act !
Here we can see the demonstration of the great numbers law : quantity
transforms into new quality. A great number of specimens (mass) , hens
for example, give the virus (it has always been existing)
new opportunities to mutate, maybe to actuate, maybe for both. For the
last 20 or 30 years the number of chicken factories have risen
immensely. As a result chicken population reached the level foreseen by
Nature. Well, shall we conquer Nature with the help of
a vaccine?
It's all in vain. For example, vaccine for tuberculoses has been known
for a long time. And in spite of the fact that the
reasons which cause it were
reduced (because of better nourishment, the level of hygiene becomes
higher, early diagnostics, there are thousands of scientific works on
the problem) tuberculoses isn't going to step back.
There is no doubt the vaccine for virus H5 will be created,
are able to do it. Pharmaceutic companies will buy a patent and produce
the vaccine and begin to sell it earning large sums of money. We'll
have to buy vaccinated poultry, in other words, it's a chicken which
endured disease in a weak form (that's why it
didn't die).
Would you like to eat such chicken? Or to nourish your children with it?
Probably it's better not to fight against Nature but obey its laws.
These laws inform that any species and populations are extincting due
to the interference of the man. Wild birds won't extinct so soon as
poultry because the latter die as a result of the man's
The epidemics of cholera, plague, typhus were raging in Europe at that
time when no vaccines were known. It's a pity a lot of people died. But
those who had survived formed the population not subjected to those
infections. That's why we have no such kind of epidemics now.
And tuberculosis? Let Nature cope with
the task itself.
Let people in protecting scaphadres ensure some quarantine instead of
destroying hens. The hens should be fed and watered , one
shouldn't interfere into the natural process. Then a certain number of
hens selected by Nature itself will survive. These hens will be the
hens laying "golden"eggs i.e. the basis for a new population
not subjected to bird's flu. It's another pair of shoes! You won't eat
"vaccinated" chicken. It's high time to start doing it now because with
the beginning of mass vaccinating the forming of s new sound population
isn't almost possible. Hence I refuse my author's right to this
publication: everybody who'd like to is allowed to use this material.
It may be ecological organizations, Green Peace, mass media and other
volunteers (God, grant us this chance).
We have the right to make one call!
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