Part 3
Philosophy of
I myself don't like the title of this chapter as it looks
pompous. But Physics is said to stand on two feet:
and mathematics. It's all right as far as Mathematics is concerned but
here Philosophy has somehow been forgotten. Let's
philosophize a
bit. Physics is considered to be an experimental
science. It means that
every new theory is tested by some experiment. If the experiment
verifies the theory it is recognized and vice versa : if it
doesn't verify the theory it is rejected as being wrong. For example,
P.Lawell calculated the existence of one more planet. It was
detected and named Pluto. His theory was recognized. What would have
if it couldn't have been registered? Wouldn't the planet
exist? And
can we judge of the experiment correctness authentically
testing a new theory with the help of this
Experiment is a good thing, but Physics is for all that theoreticalscience.
Here we mean not actually the change of denotement
but the
change of
Jesus Christ said: "If you perceive the verity - the verity will make
you free." Pilat asked : "What is verity?" Jesus Christ
answer. Why? This book has got such words:
pronounced word is a lie". I think it's true. A thought can't be
expressed by words. Only talented writers can express with the help of
the words their thoughts approaching their true meaning. Moreover, can
we always understand them correctly? How could Jesus tell about the
VERITY with words? And how can we perceive the
verity? Not
by means of words. Here comes the first verity 2
x 2 = 4,
it's true in Africa, on the Mars and elsewhere. The verity is
Mathematics and it speaks not with the help of words but with
The problem is : we don't always understand what
Mathematics tells us. We can't always ask it correct
But we are learning. We have understood what vector algebra tells us.
Mathematics can describe EVERYTHING. Who said "no"? You are sitting in
front of the computer and this machine is mathematical one : you can
watch films, pictures, listen to music.Not to say about computer
trainers. We have already got it today. What about tomorrow?
should be noted that a computer always tells verity. A man can be
forced by bribery or threatening to say that 2 x 2 = 3 but computer
never produces such information even if you promise it to buy a new
keyboard or to break it with a hammer. But is it possible that computer
can be wrong and produce 2 x 2 = 3 ? It can be but
when a man has made a mistake.
In what way we should ask mathematics and how we understand
its answers
let's consider it using an example of any simple
Let's take acceleration.
it is, the very familiar formula.
Initial speed, finite speed, speed of what?
Probably of a
body? Where is it here? Is it only assumed? Let it
be so. But there can't be any changes of speed without at
one more body presence. Well, is it also "assumed"? Actually
formula describes the process of two bodies'
interaction - energy exchange, speed change is only
consequence. The describing of the process is indirect.
Studying this very
gives more information. By the way, while studying this process we can
see at once that we can call it "equal in acceleration \ equal in
deceleration" only by convention, because energy can be transmitted
only by portions (they can be very little). Accordingly, the path of a
body consists of sections with different speed, but within every
section speed is constant. It was the example of awkward
treatment of Mathematics. Later we'll demonstrate the other ones of the
same kind. Ladies and gentlemen, you have read the first and
second chapters of the site. Some of you have agreed to above mentioned
subject, some haven't. I believe you are ready to perceive new world
outlook now. Have you thought of what outlook lies in the basis of
Physics? Physics as an
experimental science was founded on the
foundation of Geocentric theory (the Earth is flat, it's the center of
the Universe and so on.) New outlook is
Solarcentric theory
which underwent three inevitable stages:
1. It just can't exist ( persecution of Kopernik and Haliley)
2. There may be some idea in it ( the appearance of some new branches
in Physics)
3. It can be just like this but by no means in another way (at
present time the Roman Church has pleaded guilty
for item1).
We are at the third stage now but the foundations of Physics are the
same as they were founded before the first stage. It's quite clear:
world outlook is rather a sluggish thing. In addition, the authority of
outstanding scientists is pressing upon us, thus retarding the progress
of Physics. Undoubtedly Mathematics as a science depends on world
outlook to a
lesser degree than Physics. It let Mathematics outstrip Physics. Let's
take as an example the consideration of formula which actually forms
the foundations of Physics.
should be noted this formula was created not being vectorial
and was used for a long time not taking its
aspect into consideration. It was quite all right as to experimental
Physics because experience of that time verified the validity
the formula. It's quite clear: velocity always has direction, in other
words this quantity is vectorial. Now we have to designate it as
vector. Consequently something in the right part of the equation must
be a vector. For some reason or other they took vector as distance
(length?) and had to name it "the vector of movement". Who can
explain the physical meaning of this term? At the internet
we discuss the notion of Time. And our formula in its present form
seems to give definition of Time without ambiguity.
Transforming the formula like this:
we get the definition: Time is ratio of the vector of
movement to
the vector of velocity. How do you like it? Let's go further: as a
result of dividing a vector by a vector one more vector must appear
which is directed perpendicular to the plane of these two vectors'
functioning (see vector algebra). Where is it? Let's go on:
vector of movement and the vector of velocity are assumed to be
directed along one line, it means sin=0, that is
t = o (??).
Well, Mathematics doesn't want to answer incorrect questions and above
mentioned formula is a result of old mode of thinking.
Why could Einstein who had got bad marks in Physics at school develop
new theories ? And the best pupils in his form couldn't do it? The
reason is: they had adopted very well the foundations of the very
geocentric outlook. Unfortunately we continue to teach future
physicists in the same manner.One more example taken from the school
text-book :
potential body energy is influenced by
attraction E=mgh .
Here we deal with a
specific case with one of the
billions of celestial bodies (certainly it's the Earth, Geo).Let it be
so, but what about Mathematics here? Considering m, g are const.,
body energy increases to infinity. We know it's wrong. As a
result those pupils who will adopt the foundations
geocentric theory well will get an excellent marks at school
enter the University without problems to develop Physics in future.
It's good that we can come across exceptions, for example
* * *
We can see that Jesus Christ's and Kopernik's fates resembles
each other and it isn't by chance. If we consider them to be
personification of the phenomenon they are both Messiahs of
new world outlook. J.Christ said " I give you a new precept".At that
time the Old commandment was the
foundation of the
world outlook. Those who have read it know its ideology is
from being humane. The developing mankind had to experience the
transition to a new more humane outlook - Christianity or to
analogue - Islam. As mankind is integrating and the process of
globalization is deepening these two religions (outlooks) acquired the
status of being world
The idea of Solarcentric theory was validated
mathematically, it permitted to approach the Truth. Have we become more
free? Undoubtedly the discovery of America, space exploration
and the like are the result of outlook changing. Fortunately
process of approaching the TRUTH is everlasting.The purpose of the Man
is to go along this road (Quo vadis?) and to become more free.
* * *
It's the end of Chapter 3. Are there still those who don't share my
opinion? They say, you can meet people somewhere who still consider the
Earth to be flat . Well, let's consider their reinforced concrete
convictions do them credit. We were doing our best to move away from
stereotypes which is always difficult. We hope to learn from your
message how much we have suceeded in it. Please write to us, your
can interest not only me.
Meanwhile a new world outlook - the Universecentric theory is
approaching us.
part 4 ( "The Law of Gravitation" )
To the title-page
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